Goldhead Orange Collar Fritz

Orange Goldhead Fritz Collar Tadpole

Materials required :

· Round bend long shank hook – Sizes 6 – 10
· Tying thread – orange
· Gold Bead
· Body – Hot Orange chenille
· Tail – Hot orange marabou with a few strands of pearl crystalflash
· Collar – orange fritz

Tying :

  1. Thread the gold head bead onto the hook and position behind the eye.

  2. Catch in tying thread behind the bead and lock bead in position with a small build up of tying thread


  3. Take thread down hook in touching turns ready to tie in tail opposite the barb. Take a large plume of marabou about one to one and a half times the length of the hook shank and tie in on top of the shank. Take 2 or 3 strands of crystalflash and tie in either side of the marabou


  4. Trim waste marabou and then tie in the chenille. Take the thread
    up to the gold head. Wind the chenille in close touching turns almost up to the gold head and tie it off leaving space to tie in the collar behind the gold head. Tie in the fritz using one to one and a half turns.


  5. Tie off and add a touch of varnish to the thread.


This fly is superb all year but it really comes into its own on those hot  summer days when there is a lot of algae and /or daphnia present in the water and the trout just will not appear to feed. It can be fished on
floating or sinking lines and retrieved either in fast strips or slow figure of eight retrieves depending very much on the mood of the fish.

The same fly tied without the gold head is a real winner when used with
an intermediate line with a very quick, short jerky retrieve especially
when new fish are in the water but they have wised up to the usual lures and fast , long strip presentation.

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