Black Marabou


Materials required:

  • Long Shank Lure Hook Sizes 6 – 10

  • Black 6/0 tying thread

  • Body – silver flat tinsel ribbed with heavy silver wire or silver oval tinsel

  • Beard – Bright red cock hackle

  • Wing – black marabou overlaid with 4 strands peacock herl and 4 strands of pearl crystal flash


  1. Catch in black thread behind the eye and take down shank in touching turns to opposite the point.
  2. Tie in heavy silver wire or oval tinsel and then silver flat tinsel or silver lurex.
  3. Rib shank with flat tinsel taking up and down shank in touching turns and tie off  behind the eye.
  1. Take wire or oval tinsel in open turns over tinsel to form rib and tie off behind the eye.


  1. Tie in bright red cock hackle behind the eye under the hook to form a beard.
  2. Tie in a large clump of black marabou on top of the hook shank behind the eye to form a wing.


  1. Take the 4 strands of peacock herl and pearl crystal hair and tie in on top of the wing.   Tie off and form a neat head and varnish head.


Fishing the Fly

This is one of those flies that excels all season but particularly in winter when water temperatures are at their lowest and food supply is not usually over abundant.

Fish on a sinking or intermediate line and prospect depths until you find fish. The black marabou usually fishes best with medium to long pulls followed by brief pauses as this lets the wing pulsate enticingly. In cold water do not make the mistake of pulling the fly as fast as you can because unlike mid summer trout are not inclined to rush after a fly.

This is one lure that works very well on Brown Trout as well as rainbows and if you fish for Sea Trout then again it is a fly well worth putting in your box.

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