As a rough rule of thumb hold the handle with your thumb on top then – during your cast – keep your elbow tucked in to your side. Do not break the wrist too much or the rod will drift back past where you wanted it to stop and all power of the cast will be lost.

Start the cast with the rod tip close to the water and the line straight. You should have 7 to 10 yards of line beyond the rod to allow the rod to load on the back cast.

Lift the rod steadily until it is at about the 10 o’ clock position and then flick it back briskly, stopping it as the rod butt reaches the 1 o’ clock position. Done correctly the line will travel past you and flex the rod.

Once the line is extended straight behind reverse the back cast by taking the rod briskly to 10 o’ clock, let the line go forward and lower the rod tip towards the water. Take your time in the cast as flailing quickly will get you nowhere.

You will hear a gentle swish if it is done correctly. If you hear a great big whoosh then you have got it all wrong. Do not push with your shoulder on the forward cast thinking it will gain you distance. It will not.

Remember – the rod does the main work and there is no need for multiple false casting to gain good distance.

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